A framework to support new product introduction in national health systems

HIV New Product Introduction Toolkit
About the Toolkit
The HIV New Product Introduction Toolkit provides Ministries of Health and implementing partners with the tools necessary to evaluate the adoption and support the introduction of new products in their local contexts.
The Toolkit includes a wide range of information, tools, and resources spanning the entire product introduction process including adoption, forecasting, procurement, facility phase-in, supply planning, and monitoring to ensure that products reach those in need of them.
The graphic below outlines the key focus areas that should be considered during this process. In practice, many of these steps take place concurrently and are not always consecutive. This Toolkit is not meant to be prescriptive, but rather provide a framework for ministries and implementing partners to evaluate product adoption and provide tools to plan the introduction of new products. While this framework focuses on ARVs, it can be applicable to other health commodities.
What is the Purpose of this Toolkit?
With the availability of inclusion of new, optimal ARVs in WHO treatment guidelines, national HIV treatment programs are preparing for shifts in national treatment guidelines and the ARV formulary. These optimal ARVs are more efficacious, tolerable, and cheaper - and in the case of pediatric formulations, improve upon limited treatment options.
Accelerating access to the best available treatment options not only better serves the needs of patients, but also supports significant treatment scale-up, saves money, and achieves public health goals.
Making new products widely accessible to people who can benefit from them requires high levels of planning, coordination, and targeted implementation. This Toolkit leverages experience from CHAI's long-standing partnerships with Ministries of Health on new product introduction to provide tools and resources for national programs, partners, and community members to evaluate, plan, and execute effective transition strategies.

Access the New Product Introduction Guide
The HIV New Product Introduction Guide accompanies the Toolkit and provides a guide for the user through the key steps of the New Product Introduction Framework, including key activities, considerations, and supporting tools and resources available on the Toolkit. Comprehensive checklists for all steps in the New Product Introduction Framework have also been developed to guide Ministries of Health and partners when introducing new ARVs in-country.